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Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Unisex softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Original Norwegian design since 1964.
Handmade unbreakable trolls made of natural materials.
Valuable international collector's item.
Norwegian handmade trolls with charm and personality.
History of the trolls
Far to the North, where the winter storms from the Arctic Ocean lash the unsheltered coasts, lies a long and narrow country. In our time...
Original Norwegian design since 1964.
Handmade unbreakable trolls made of natural materials.
Valuable international collector's item.
Norwegian handmade trolls with charm and personality.
History of the trolls
Far to the North, where the winter storms from the Arctic Ocean lash the unsheltered coasts, lies a long and narrow country. In our time the country is covered with snow and ice only during the winter, but long, long ago a heavy, thousand year old glacier towered over the country. As the climate slowly changed and the glacier receded northwards, people who lived south of the glacier followed it. They took the country for their own and called it Norway. The people were called Norwegians. They saw that the country was very beautiful and thought that they were the first inhabitants, but it was not long before they discovered that the country was already occupied by a lot of strange creatures who lived in the most peculiar places.
In the mountains, of which there were many, lived the trolls. The chief of them all was Dovregubben. Some of the trolls were extremely large, while others could be really small, and they were all very old. They were only to be seen at night, or at dusk, because such creatures of course did not tolerate the light of day. If they did not get into the mountains before the sun shone they cracked or turned to stone. The trolls were like people, but had only four fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot. Otherwise they all had long noses (troll wives often used their noses to stir the cooking pot when they made soup or porridge), they were shaggy and rough-haired, and every one of them had a tail which resembled a cow's rump.
Even though they were frightening, they were often good-natured and gullible, and sometimes smart farm boys could fool them. Among their many supernatural abilities was that they could re-shape themselves. Sometimes the troll girls became unbelievably beautiful young women. They were called wood nymphs, and they lured many a hunter and unsuspecting farmer's son with them into the mountains. Therefore it was better to try and see them from behind, because they could not hide the cow's rump. Sometimes, too, the trolls spellbound and took beautiful alpine farm girls and dairymaids into the mountains, and not many of them got out again.
The troll children, of course, got up to the most unbelievable tricks, and the troll husbands could get extremely angry. It was therefore best to keep in with the trolls and the subterranean people. One tried to avoid irritating them, because they could wreak revenge by bringing disease and death to the livestock. On the other hand, if one had a good relationship with them, the livestock could yield much milk and get fat and sleek. That was why a well-filled bowl of porridge was put into the barn for them every Christmas Eve, and the porridge was always eaten up.
Then, as now, some people say they can glimpse the trolls when walking in the forest and fields, so it is prudent to be extra careful when one walks in nature, especially when it starts to get dark. You never know what is out there or what you may meet. Remember that the trolls can see you!
This two headed troll is a quite typical troll, hope he isn't looking for me. Height 28 cm.
This old couple has been together for houndred years, and they are still very much in love! H: 24 cm.
If you have three heads, you just can't miss anything that happens around you. Height 19 cm.
Theese two cute trolls are relaxing, sitting on a stump. Height 11 cm.
Troll kids can also be tired. It is good to have daddys shoulders to sit on. Height 20 cm.
This old couple enjoy dancing and having fun together. Height 22 cm.
This little troll girl loves to be with her grandmother. Height 17 cm:
Troll children are very playful and they like to play with their father. Height 18 cm
Happy troll family consisting of Mum, Dad and the two lovely troll children. Height 18 cm.
Trolls also like to go moose hunting. It takes three of them to carry this big moose. Height 19 cm
Troll celebrating his norwegian heritage sitting on an moose. Height 8 cm.
This trolls has a norwegian flag hat to keep him warm. Height 9 cm.
Norwegian handmade trolls with charm and personality. This giant troll from Nyform has the size 102 cm height. To order this giant troll send email.
Some trolls are very talented, like this little troll. Height 8,5 cm.
Trolls love music! This guy likes to play the fiddle. Height 15 cm
This troll loves to play the accordion while the other trolls dance around her. Height 15 cm
A real rock n' roll troll! He plays and looks like a real rockstar. Height 20 cm
Trolls love football, but haven't been able to make a team yet due to their short tempers. Height 10cm
This lovely troll on his bike, is going for the next victory in Tour the France. Height 14 cm