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Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Feminine softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Unisex softshell jacket that is suitable for both sport and leisure....
Trolls in large size from 17 cm to 45 cm.
This two headed troll is a quite typical troll, hope he isn't looking for me. Height 28 cm.
This old couple has been together for houndred years, and they are still very much in love! H: 24 cm.
If you have three heads, you just can't miss anything that happens around you. Height 19 cm.
Troll kids can also be tired. It is good to have daddys shoulders to sit on. Height 20 cm.
This old couple enjoy dancing and having fun together. Height 22 cm.
Troll children are very playful and they like to play with their father. Height 18 cm
Happy troll family consisting of Mum, Dad and the two lovely troll children. Height 18 cm.
Trolls also like to go moose hunting. It takes three of them to carry this big moose. Height 19 cm
A real rock n' roll troll! He plays and looks like a real rockstar. Height 20 cm
Typical Norwegian troll, happy, but seem a bit lazy. Height: 35 cm.
This old troll could be many houndreds of years old. Height: 45 cm.
It seems like this old troll has been out for a walk. He is old, so he needs his walking stick. Height: 45 cm.
Old troll with a walking stick ready for a long walk across Norway. Height 22 cm.
Wonder how many grandchildren this old troll has? It could be hundreds. Height: 41 cm.
This is a typical grandpa troll. Wise and with a lot of life experience he can pass on to the younger generation of trolls. Height: 25 cm.
You don't want to mess with this grumpy, old troll troll mama! Height: 25 cm.
Yes, we do have oil in Norway. Will this oil sheik find any? Heigth: 30 cm.
This troll are dressed up in his finest outfit. His wife knitted the nice sweater he is wearing. Height: 56 cm.
Seems like grandpa troll is telling a story. Maby his grandchildren are listening? H:18 cm.
Have you done something wrong? This troll looks very innocent. Height: 18 cm.
This troll is an outstanding judge character and according to him, you are absolutely brilliant. Height: 18.5 cm.
This year Ny Form turns 60! Since 1964, our unique trolls have found new homes both in and outside of Norway. With long traditions based in Norwegian nature and culture, we continue to create memorable and fun trolls with the hope of pleasing everyone! This year's troll is braver than most, he smiles from cheek to cheek while holding a snake. Height: 22 cm
There is probably no one who can cheer you up better than good friends, but it is a bit boring when it is precisely your favorite team that has lost and their team that won the tournament. Smile for the camera! Height: 17.5 cm Width: 28.5 cm